About Us

The Adams County 4-H Robotics Club was officially created in May 2023. The group started in May 2022 when they decided to create a robot to show at the fair for that year. Students enjoyed it enough that they continued to get together to create robots and built a robot for the 4-H STEM Day. After doing a field trip to a FIRST Tech Challenge event, students decided to try and compete. Hence, we needed to become an official club.

For the 2023-2024, FIRST Tech Challenge, the students created a team – Kitty Ate the Robot, built a robot and competed in two competitions. They learned a lot.

Some students graduated, some moved on to other interests. For 2024-2025, we have welcomed some new students and are concentrating on just building for the fun of it. Through fundraising and grants, the club was able to purchase two sets of LEGO SPIKE Prime kits with expansion packs. This fills in a much needed gap between the LEGO WeDo kits and the REV Robotics used for Tech Challenge level robots.